
God, the Redeemer, had done amazing things for Israel. But He was doing a new thing! He was making a new way. He’s doing a new thing at FBC Rantoul, maybe a new thing in your life? Do you perceive it?

Isaiah 43:14-21; Psalm 96:1-6

Past Sermons

Series: News We Can Use


Advent & Christmas

Series: The Focus of Faith

Series: Regarding the End Times

Series: Core Tenents of Faith

Series: Walk in the Light

Series: Blessed By God

Series: Develop our Faith

A Possible Glimpse

Advent: Ancient words

guest speaker: andy rains

Series: God and Money

Series: Loving the Unlovable

Series: Upside Down & Backwards

The Stanton Family

Series: Following God

Series: The Kingdom of God

Series: Getting Priorities Right

Series: God Loving Us

Series: Loving God

Series: Marching Orders

